Then he plugs in his headphone and tells you the blocks are in location.
It adapts its speed to your taxi speed and even blinks its turn signals to alert you to a turn! As you get close to the gate you will see a 3d marshaller with detailed animation (far better than any being part of scenery products!) that guides you to your location and even signs you to cut your enigine(s).
Right after you landed and departed on the runway, a follow me van will be waiting for you that brings you to the gate or parking of YOUR CHOICE. From version 1.99 this system is changed:
Since version 1.20 AES uses a bonus system that automatically adds additional free credits when you bought a certain number of serial codes. Airport Enhancement Services is a set of modules that runs INSIDE FSX and FS2004 and that will change the way how you will experience your airports. Airport Enhancement Services (AES) - Buy 10 credits for AES.